Hi-Fi Prototype

Within our Hi-Fi prototypes, we decided to mainly work on the mobile app UI as our AR device is based on speculative ideas.

Flow 1: Login, open profile, begin a new call

For the safety of children using our platform, we decided that each user would have a separate profile. This enables guardians to restrict contacts on child profiles. The adult profiles can be pin protected-only adult profiles have the ability to change settings.

Flow 2: Activity sections in an active call

Most activities would have sub-activities as shown in the ‘catch’ frame. For example, the parent activity ‘art’ would have painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.

We discussed having the ability to save progress in activities such as games or art projects. With this feature, a user could come back to look at a design or resume game play. This feature was out of the scope of our project due to time constraint.

Flow 3: Ending a call through the app, AR exit sequence

Call exit flow expressed in wireframe for the app and storyboard of the AR exit sequence. Successful completion and error state shown.